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    Elif Şafak´la yeni kitabı ´Şemspare´yi konuştuk. Şafak, yeni bir romana başlamanın sancıları içinde sorularımızı yanıtladı. ´Bence bir Türk yazarın hiç ama hiç politikayla ilgilenmemek...Devamı >>

  Elif Şafak´ın mart başında çıkan yeni romanı "Aşk" kısa sürede en çok okunanlar arasındaki yerini aldı. Şafak önceki romanlarında olduğu gibi yine toplumsal kuralların, geleneklerin, gö...Devamı >>

Turkish Daily News Kategorisindeki Yazılar
The camera eye
It is not easy to be a Turk
One honor killing is a tragedy, many others are ju
Hrant Dink s dream
The return of the ghetto: coming soon to a country
Observing Turkish daily life - 1
The religion of love
Clash of translations
Tradition in our minds
Sicily, Mt. Etna and being a writer
Curiosity: a most suitable state for cats and huma
Safe spaces of the like minded
Fathers and sons in Turkish literature
Home sweet home
Freedom of expression in Turkey, freedom of expres
The right to disagree
Being a feminist in Turkey...
Life in the islands...
Barenboim in Istanbul
Pulled by two tides
Global angst
The de-feminization of Turkish culture
Fleeing Beirut
The language scar
Welcome to Istanbul!
Public sphere in Turkey
The two contradictory features of Turkish society
In my father s house: Honor killings in Turkey
Racism among immigrants?
Women who flunk the womanhood test
Memory-less Turkey/amnesiac Turkey
London impressions
The elite in Turkey
Our image in the eyes of Westerners
Making sense of irrationality: nationalism in Turk
What have you done to Cervantes’ arm?
Quo Vadis?
Regular, old fashioned, garden-variety fascism
Women who are addicted to power, men who are depen
Peddlers of clash of civilizations
Tears shed for Milosevic
When a nation is afraid of having a memory...
The speed of Turkish politics
Valley of the wolves and the politics of masculini
Hate speech
Chutzpah alla Turca
Religious order, women and the prayer debate
Oppressed writers of the world and of Turkey
What can a vegetarian do during the Feast of the S
Do literature teachers like literature?
Once the sick man, now the chimera of Europe
Europeanization and its enemies
Being a man in Turkey
So-called citizen of Turkey
The proposal to love the word cosmopolitan again
Being a Turk amid liberal American academics
What s happening in France, how does the US media
The language of reconciliation
The language of hate
The worst taboo: Sexual harassment
An open letter to Hrant Dink
We cannot let it happen again
What about the murdered Muslim Turks?
Istanbul conference on Ottoman Armenians
The art of loving cities
Istanbulite pickpockets and Gucci bags
State feminism
Rather than marry a Turk
When silences speak
To honor!
Bolero and modernization
Father novelists
Modernization alla Turca
Grammatical Errors
The gathering place of the djinni
Why would a Turk want to go to a Vietnamese restau
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